Tuesday Market Report
Total Livestock Sold – 4292 head
Fed cows sold on a steady trade. Fed veal sold actively at stronger prices. Heavy lambs sold slightly lower, with lighter lambs selling steady on a strong market. Sheep sold steady. Kid goats sold slightly lower. Mature goats sold steady.
Fed Cows and Bulls
Fed Cows
135.00 to 160.00 top of 200.00
Fed Bulls
152.50 to 210.00 top of 230.00
Good Holsteins
300.00 to 324.00
Good Beef
285.00 to 340.00
Medium Holsteins
285.00 to 295.00
Plain Calves
265.00 to 280.00
Heavy Calves
242.00 to 295.00
Sheep and Lambs
Under 50 lbs
430.00 to 475.00
51 to 79 lbs
350.00 to 450.00 top of 500.00
80 to 109 lbs
270.00 to 327.50 top of 385.00
Over 110 lbs
240.00 to 277.50 top of 300.00
110.00 to 242.50 top of 265.00
400.00 to 505.00 top of 530.00
Mature Nannies
150.00 to 230.00
Mature Billies
290.00 to 395.00